When you go to clean your kitchen, you’ll want to ensure that you don’t miss anything. Daily, weekly and monthly cleanings should all be different as well. There may be some cleaning jobs you need to do each day, whereas others will only need to be done every so often. With that in mind, we have put together a list of cleaning jobs that need to be done in the kitchen to help you get more organized and ensure that everything is cleaned and nothing is forgotten.

Daily Cleaning

Each day, there are jobs that need to be done to ensure that your kitchen stays looking great and smelling fresh. Doing these jobs will keep pests away, create a sanitary kitchen environment and make your kitchen more pleasant to work in.

• Take out trash
• Wipe counters
• Wash dishes or run dishwasher
• Sweep floors
• Wash out sink
• Change out rags and kitchen towels as necessary
• Clean up any spills
• Clean dish drainer

Weekly Cleaning

These jobs are going to be a little more time consuming and will require some extra effort, but it will be worth it to ensure that your kitchen sparkles with that extra clean shine. These are still important jobs that have to be done to maintain a clean environment, but they don’t have to be done as often as the daily jobs. You may want to do some of them more often, as your needs require. For instance, if you have a very busy kitchen where you are making elaborate meals a few times a day, you may need to do some of these tasks a couple times a week or even every day. Use our list as a guide and not as rules of law, because every kitchen has its own, distinct needs.

• Deal with leftovers in the fridge
• Get rid of spoiled food
• Clean the sponges (soak in hot water and sanitizer)
• Mop the floor
• Clean behind small appliances
• Clean inside small appliances
• Clean exterior of all appliances
• Disinfect the faucets and sink

Monthly Cleaning

There are some other jobs that only need to be done every few weeks or once a month. As with the weekly tasks, some of these may need to be done more often depending on how you use your kitchen, how much work you do and what kind of work you do in the kitchen. If any of these areas appear dirty or in need of attention, then don’t wait for the end of the month to start on them.

• Clean out the oven
• Clean the inside of the fridge and freezer
• Defrost the freezer
• Clean under appliances
• Clean inside cupboards
• Take an inventory of the fridge and pantry (determine what you need to buy and what needs to be discarded or eaten soon)
• Clean inside of dishwasher as needed

This may seem like a lot of work to do, but when you spread it out like this over the course of the month, it doesn’t seem that bad. As you get used to going through your list each month, the work will go faster and you will get it done more easily.