The Places In Your Restaurant You Might Forget To Clean

Keeping your restaurant spotlessly clean is not just good for business. It also ensures that you pass inspection. However, there may be some neglected areas of your restaurant that are not getting the cleaning that they need.

Soda Dispensers

Whether you dispense the soda for your customers or they fill their cups for themselves, it is important to make certain that the soda dispenser is cleaned regularly. Gunk can build up and contaminate the drinks, causing illnesses and creating an unsanitary environment. The dispensers should be cleaned on a schedule so that they stay looking clean and free of germs. The companies that sell soft drinks to restaurants actually publish their own guidelines on how often the dispensers shoulder cleaned and how they could be kept sanitary. Jerry from House Cleaning And Maid Service says that generally they should get a good scrubbing at least once per week.

Can Openers

You might not think of the can opener as a restaurant item that even needs to be cleaned, but it can get bits of food on it at times. If you use the can opener on any cans with liquid in them, it is highly likely that some food will run onto the can opener. A quick wipe down is usually all that is needed, but if the can opener is not thoroughly cleaned from time to time, it can develop bacteria and become a safety hazard. It could also rust and degrade faster if it is not kept clean and dry.

Restaurant Menus

This is another item that you don’t think of as something that would get dirty, but you should consider all the people who handle your restaurant menus every day. Some restaurants can get away with paper menus that are tossed out after each use, but if you have laminated menus or plastic menus, those will accumulate germs and will need to be at least wiped down with a disinfecting spray and a rag. Menus can actually be the biggest germ vector in the entire restaurant because of all the contaminants that find their way onto them, and if the waiter touches them after the customer without washing their hands, they can spread bacteria all throughout the restaurant.

Ice Machines and Tools

The ice machine may look clean, but it can be a harbor for bacteria as well. Ice machines collect germs just like any other part of the kitchen, and they can spread those germs into the beverages and around the kitchen. The ice machine, ice scoop and any other tools used to handle ice need to be cleaned regularly (and vinegar seems like an excellent solution), because what gets into them will find its way into the digestive system of the customers. If you are not sure if you can keep up with all of this cleaning, you may want to hire a cleaning service to do it for you. They can be thorough and clean on a schedule that ensures your restaurant stays looking its best.

You won’t always see the health problems that find their way into your restaurant, but through regular cleaning, you can keep many of them to a minimum.